
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Homemade Cookies And Chocolate

Assalamualaikum and selamat malam friends..*mulakan entry dgn salam lebih afdhal kn?* hee
wah...diam tak diam dah sdh 28 hari kte berpuasa kn? sedih pulak aii nak tngglkn bulan ramadhan nie kn..*sobs,sobs*. dlm sedih-sedih tuu ade jugak gumbiranye..rye da dkt korg..tngl 2 ari je lg kn? mcm mne dgn preparation korg? da fully siap or half-half? sejujurnye preparation aku ala kadar aje..bkn ape kne bingt jgk? plus after rye nie kalau tak de aral melintang, i will be going to sarawak for my last practical there.*maybe jelah*
okay now nak tnye pulak.kueh rye ape korg buat thn nie? rye aku thn nie aku tak tau lah weyh kueh ape.sbb nye bru smpai rmh jmt mlm.. and now bru je tgh tergopoh gapah menyiapkan kueh tmphn org.tak siap lg? as my mum always told me,"kueh yg dkt-dkt nak rye lg sdp.fresh." haha!.Ptg td, mak aku ajar mcm mne nak buat homemade coklat..sound interesting kn?aku pnh jgk lah tgk kt fb org before dis.tgk dorg buat mcm sdp and cntik aje..aku nak buat mmg tak smpt.ptg nie bru bksmptn nak buat tp with maximum supervision by my mum..hehe. plannye coklat nie utk diberi kat org tuu..mak yg suro..pehal mak aku baek sgt tah?haha
next,mak ckp kne buat kueh utk rmh kteorg my special one pon request nak kueh rye jgk thn nie memandangkan thn lps tak dpt.hehe.sory ye! tak ku sengajekn..hehe. esok maybe akn ku siapkan dgn penuh kasih sayang kueh mu ye..hehe. hurm..okay done with my cookies and chocolate. before aku tamatkan entry ari nie, nak amek kesempatan nie mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA DAN MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN kepada semua. halalkan jika ade teramek mne-mne makanan,minuman n etc drpd korg ye. moga-moga rye klik nie lbh meriah and yg most important thing, rye thn nie last aku menerima duet rye.after dis,kne distribute pulokkk...aiyaaakkkk..haha! okay lah.jge dri ye. syg semua...akum..

Almond London

Samperit Badam


Homemade Chocolate

Tart Nenas
p/s;some of my cookies and homemade chocolate.lau nak order next year,leh cntct-cntct.hee ;D